
Kasen Renga Form

[Your Title -- often taken from the hokku]

A Traditional Autumn Kasen Renga

Started - Finished:

Written by / between:

[SU = summer; A = autumn; W = winter; SP = spring; Misc. = non-seasonal references -- usually about people or feelings or places; Love = well you can decide... Moons are always autumn unless you name it a summer or winter or spring moon. SU/W = have a run of either summer or winter verses; not mixed.]

1.[3] [A]

2.[2] [MOON]

3.[3] [Misc.]

4.[2] [Misc.]

5.[3] [W]

6.[2] [W] [also write link #7]

7.[3] [Misc.]

8.[2] [Misc. / Love]

9.[3] [Misc. / Love]

10.[2] [Misc. / Love]

11.[3] [Misc.]

12.[2] [Misc.]

13.[3] [MOON SU / W]

14.[2] [SU/W]

15.[3] [SU/W]

16.[2] [Misc.]

17.[3] [FLOWER / SP]

18.[2] [SP] [also write link #19]

19.[3] [SP]

20.[2] [Misc.]

21.[3] [Misc.]

22.[2] [Misc.]

23.[3] [SU/W]

24.[2] [SU/W]

25.[3] [Misc. / Love]

26.[2] [Misc./ Love]

27.[3] [Misc./ Love]

28.[2] [Misc.]

29.[3] [MOON / A]

30.[2] [A] [also write link #31]

31.[3] [A]

32.[2] [Misc.]

33.[3] [Misc.]

34.[2] [Misc. / SP]

35.[3] [FLOWER / SP]

36.[2] [SP]


Copyright © Jane Reichhold 1994.

Permission to copy given.

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